Grants and Contracts Details
The scope of the AGREEMENT is to assess, evaluate and provide conclusions and recommendations pertaining to APPENDIX C of the United State's Department of Energy's (DOE) WASTE DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION /FEASIBILITY STUDY WORK PLAN (FSWP) and to assist with the modification of APPENDIX C, as required. APPENDIX C of this document contains the details regarding modeling that will be performed in support of developing preliminary waste acceptance criteria for a proposed on-site Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) waste repository. UNIVERSITY subject matter experts (SMEs) will assist the EEC with objectively evaluating the technical merits of this document and suggest modifications in the form of written comments, as required. Specifically, the technical merits of DOE's position with regards to the longevity of landfill engineered barriers must be evaluated and alternative positions offered, as required. It will be necessary for the SMEs to be capable of applying engineering research to landfill design decisions. UNIVERSITY SMEs will be required to attend several face-to-face meetings with DOE staff and their contractors during the course of the document's evaluation. In order to provide an independent evaluation of DOE's preliminary waste acceptance criteria modeling effort, the EEC will require the assistance of modelers, to be provided by the UNIVERSITY. The modelers will run the appropriate models in parallel with DOE. The end result of this effort will be the generation of two independently generated sets of preliminary waste acceptance criteria which can be compared to identify similarities and differences. UNIVERSITY SME's will evaluate and document in the form of a written report(s) the results of their independent modeling and any deficiencies identified with DOE's modeling effort. UNIVERSITY SMEs will be required to review the final APPENDIX C to the FSWP for consistency with prior agreements made during the aforementioned face-to-face meetings and to provide written comments to the EEC documenting their review. Lastly, the SME's must produce a final report that summarizes the work completed under this AGREEMENT.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 4/11/10 → 6/30/12 |
- KY Energy and Environment Cabinet: $49,463.00
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