Good Samaritan Foundation Tuition Scholarship Program

  • Gonzalez, Lori (PI)
  • Stewart, Sharon (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Summary There is a need for quality health care professionals to meet the growing need for the provision of health care in the Commonwealth. The CHS has been and will continue to be a leader in providing these professionals who are integral to the primary care team. As applicants for the various educational training programs have declined around the nation, filling programs and attracting high quality students have become priorities. Many programs are offering financial assistance to students in an effort to be more competitive. Financial assistance is particularly important in light of the increasing number of nontraditional students who have family and financial obligations coupled with the increased costs associated with obtaining an entry level degree9. The UK CHS is seeking the assistance of the Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc. to provide continued tuition scholarships to selected students, particularly those from underserved areas in central and eastern Kentucky, so that it can keep its best students in the Commonwealth. The College of Health Sciences recognizes that there is a need for on-going institutional support for students in the program. Plans are underway to seek permanent funding in the form of an endowment to support this vital part of the college mission. The College is in the process of raising funds for this endowment which will be devoted to student stipends and tuition scholarships. Case statements for each of the disciplines in the college are being developed and alumni have been invited to participate in on advisory board. Therefore, the funds from Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc. will provide a bridge to the future when endowment funds can provide this type of support to students. For more information, please contact: Lori S. Gonzalez, Ph.D., or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 323-1100, ext 80570 Sharon R. Stewart, Ed.D. Division Director, Communication Disorders 323-1100, ext 80560 References: 1 Employment Review (2002). Prescription needed for ailing healthcare facilities. 2 Bureau of Health Professions (2000). State Health Workforce Profiles. Rockville, MD: Bureau of Health Professions. 3 Bureau of Health Professions (2001). State Health Worl
Effective start/end date7/1/046/30/05


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