Growing UK's Composting Efforts

  • Borden, Stacy (PI)

    Grants and Contracts Details


    The proposed project’s goal is to improve our green waste diversion and composting program. First stage is to purchase a leaf vacuum trailer, that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our leaf collection effort throughout the University of Kentucky (UK). This trailer will speed up collection, hold, store and transport the material to be sent to the composting facility, diverting it from the landfill. The second part of the project is to purchase and install a compost tea brewing system. This system will allow UK to utilize the compost generated from campus food waste, leaf collection, and UK College of Agriculture farm green waste in a liquid application. The tea produced will be used in the Physical Plans Department (PPD) greenhouse operation to help reduce fertilizer inputs and in the UK Grounds operations in landscape beds, for trees wells and lawns. The tea application will be done with the requested sprayer. Brewing compost tea is an expansion of the campus composting program that was initiated in 2019.
    Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/21


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