Guidelines for Installation of Buried Utilities in Right-Of-Way

  • Allen, David (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the project are to: 1) review available guidelines for utility construction; 2) develop matrix of installation guidelines detailing the following parameters, material type (steel, HDPE, etc), type of utility (gas, water, electric, etc.), encasement or no encasement, depth of construction, size, traffic level, soil type; and 3) develop recommended methods for installation of roadway utilities. BACKGROUND: Kentucky receives quite a large number of requests annually for utility companies to bore under roadways to install utilities. These borings range in size from 2" up to in excess of 24". On numerous occasions, the cabinet is asked to approve non-standard installations which mayor may not warrant installing a casing prior to installing the utility line. Currently the guidelines available to the permit engineers are somewhat limited in documenting the particular methodologies which dictate when certain procedures are to be utilized. This research effort will review the available literature from other agencies and utility companies to determine the current state of practice for utility construction beneath roadways. FY 2007 PROPOSED WORK: It is anticipated that the project will be completed and documented within the 2007 fiscal year. PROGRAMMED COST FY 2007: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $ 50,000 $100,000
Effective start/end date7/1/066/30/07


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