Health Systems Improvement C2512: CL2: FY 22 - KCCSP

Grants and Contracts Details


Colon Cancer Screening Program 1. Participate on the DPH Colorectal Cancer Leadership teams to provide subject matter expertise on Electronic Health Records and development of a systematic, replicable process to improve cancer screening within health systems. 2. Identify, establish and maintain formal agreements with four (4) healthcare organizations who will participate in practice reviews and provision of screening data. 3. Conduct preliminary assessments of technology and workflow related barriers and utilize practice review and electronic health records to determine baseline colorectal cancer screening rates. 4. Work with selected healthcare organizations to develop the CDC designed implementation plan based on the identification of technology and workflow barriers and capabilities. 5. Assist with implementing provider and patient reminder systems, and conduct monthly calls and quarterly onsite visits to provide technical assistance to the selected healthcare organizations. 6. Work with the healthcare organizations to develop a plan for improvement utilizing the Plan-Do-Study- Act (PDSA) model or organizations preferred improvement model and track progress monthly. 7. Provide technical assistance including monthly calls and quarterly on-site visits for electronic health records, patient portal and electronic quality reporting capabilities and identify methods to help practices identify, communicate with and deliver preventative services to high risk/high priority target populations and implement chosen evidence-based interventions. 8. Collect data on CRC screening rates in the selected healthcare organizations at least quarterly. 9. Provide chart review, workflow analysis, and data validation to verify correctness of data going in and coming out of electronic health record for a sample population. 10. Provide support to the Kentucky Colon Cancer Screening Program to ensure healthcare organizations are compliant with state contract requirements in providing colonoscopy services, reporting data, and invoicing for payment. 11. Provide support to the KCCSP by attending Kentucky Colon Cancer Screening Advisory Committee meetings and providing support to DPH in the administration of those meetings such as minute recording, agenda creation, and the drafting of the KCCSP annual report. 12. Assist in the submission of the annual progress report and continuation application for the CRC grant to the CDC.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/22


  • KY Department for Public Health: $521,405.00


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