Healthy Marriage Child Support Community Demonstration Program

  • Werner-Wilson, Ronald (PI)
  • Vail, Ann (CoI)
  • Wood, Nathan (CoI)
  • Carlton, Erik (Former CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Operate a healthy marriage child support community demonstration project. The project shall be entitled "Kentucky Healthy Marriage" and shall be conducted in the Lexington, Kentucky area. The purpose of the demonstration project is to test new strategies to strengthen the Child Support Enforcement Program by enhancing its ability to promote the financial and broader well-being of children, and to make the program more effective by both increasing paternity establishment, and fostering relationships in which parents will comply with existing or potential orders. The primary services to be tested shall be designed to achieve these ends by promoting healthy marriage and healthy parental relationships. The Kentucky Healthy Marriage shall be a three (3) year effort to increase child well-being through the advancement of optimal family structures and increase marital and parental commitments characterized by a lifelong love and commitment and decrease those relationships which are not. Services shall be primarily focused on couples that either have or are expecting a child.
Effective start/end date7/1/086/30/09


  • KY Health Services Cabinet: $225,882.00


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