Hemophilia Treatment Center--Social Work Scope--FY 14

Grants and Contracts Details


In accordance with KRS 200.550, the Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs is required to establish to Hemophilia Treatment Program within the Commission for detection, diagnosis and treatment of persons suffering from Hemophilia. The Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Center on behalf of the University of Kentucky Hemophilia Treatment Center (UKHTC) has historically collaborated with the Commission in order to provide comprehensive hemophilia treatment services. This collaboration has been essential due to the complexity involved in maintaining such services, both financially and resource-based, for which the Commission would experience difficulty. In addition, Dr. Jeffrey Moscow at UK Division of Pediatric Hematology /Oncology pharmacy management program has provided the outlet for obtaining Factor and managing its use. With the use of the pharmacy management program, the Commission has benefited by securing an outlet to supply our hemophilia patient's factor at a greatly reduced price on a statewide basis. This has eliminated the extreme cost associated with establishing a 340B Program to dispense Factor. Through supplementing the Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Center, through the UKHTC with costs associated with maintaining a Hemophilia Treatment Program and a 340B Program, the Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs has been provided witht he foundation necessary to meet statute, while also avoiding the cost associated with establishing its own Hemophilia Treatment Program.
Effective start/end date7/1/126/30/14


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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