Hemophilia Treatment Centers (SPRANS)

Grants and Contracts Details


Goal 1: The Southeast Regional Hemophilia Network (SRHN) will establish mechanisms for and communicaiton of ongoing program evaluation and assessment. Goal 2: The SRHN will refine the current service delivery model to more effectively provide coordinated care in the context of a Medical Home to patients in the Southeast Region. Goal 3: the SRHN will provide access to comprehensive care and extend outreach to traditionally underserved populations in the HTC Network as well as those not currently being served by HTCs. Goal 4: the SRHN will increase collaboration within the Region to promote effective communication among HTCS, HRSA funded programs and genetics organizations. Goal 5: the SRHN will collaborate with the NHPCC in its efforts regarding continuous quality improvement for the National Hemophilia Program. Goal 6: the SRHN will promote education of those with bleeding disorders served & establish as a top priority health literacy and the translation of genetics inofrmation.
Effective start/end date6/1/1210/30/19


  • Hemophilia of Georgia Incorporated


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