High Impact Leader (HIL2.0) for School Renewal (External Evaluation)

Grants and Contracts Details


External Evaluation of High Impact Leadership (HIL2.0) for School Renewal Abstract As the independent evaluator, Dr. Xin Ma is responsible for a huge 3-year external evaluation effort that will critically assess the effectiveness of the above-entitled development project (grant) by the Western Michigan University. The evaluation will involve 152 schools in Michigan that will participate in HIL2.0. ALL teachers and principals in those schools are to be invited to complete 3 online survey instruments across 3 data collection points. In addition to such huge (teacher and principal) survey data, Dr. Ma will also receive school background data (on the 152 schools) and student testing data (in each of the 152 schools) from the State of Michigan. Data from these sources will be combined with (teacher and principal) survey data for this evaluation. Technical reports (for internal uses) and research manuscripts (for publications) are expected.
Effective start/end date10/1/239/30/26


  • Western Michigan University: $149,000.00


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