HIV/AIDS Prevention Program 2015-2016

Grants and Contracts Details


The Bluegrass Care Clinic (BCC) at the University of Kentucky seeks to enhance the provision of quality care and services to people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) by proposing to provide targeted prevention for positives interventions for PLWHA in Bluegrass-Fayette County. The Bluegrass Care Clinic (BCC) currently facilitates medical and social support services for HIV positive patients living in central and eastern Kentucky and offers a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to promote self-sufficiency and medical treatment success. On-site services to HIV patients include HIV specialty care; primary care; mental health, pharmaceutical adherence, and nutrition counseling; and medical case management. The BCC offers HIV testing on-site to at risk persons/partners of the HIV patient population receiving care, 4 of 104 persons tested have been found to be positive since 2012 (positivity rate of 3.8%). The BCC currently provides HIV medical care and supportive services for 1180 patients, and is perfectly positioned to incorporate this vital service targeting high-risk PLWHA into the comprehensive care model. This application proposes that the BCC expand services by offering an intensive prevention for positives program for PLWHA in Bluegrass-Fayette County.
Effective start/end date9/1/1412/31/15


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $28,494.00


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