Grants and Contracts Details
Pneumocystis pneumonia PCP) causes significant morbidity and mortality among HIV-infected individuals who
are newly diagnosed, failed retroviral therapy, or do not have access to care. Infants are particularly
susceptible to pulmonary infections and it has been recently appreciated that not only are individuals exposed
to Pneumocystis early in life, but infants appear to carry the infection as evidenced by the high incidence found
in autopsy specimens form babies that died of SIDS. HIV-infected infants tend to have a more fulminant
course of PCP, likely because of the immature immune system along with depletion of CD4~ cells. In the
previous funding period we found that, in contrast to our hypothesis, the delay in clearance of Pneumocystis
we observed in neonatal mice was not solely due to elevated anti-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs through
the first 3 weeks of life. Instead, we found that alveolar macrophages from neonatal mice are intrinsically
unresponsive to Pneumocystis. The goal for this funding period is to differentiate the contribution of
environmental factors and intrinsic factors to neonatal alveolar macrophage function in response to
Prieumocystis. Specifically, we will test the hypothesis that: neonatal alveolar macrophages fail to respond to
Pneumocystis due to a defect in signaling through pattern recognition receptors along with delayed second
signals from proinflammatory cytokines or costimulatory molecules on T cells. To address this hypothesis we
have proposed two aims. 1. We will determine whether alveolar macrophages from neonatal mice are
intrinsically unresponsive to Pneumocystis. In vitro and in vivo experimental strategies will be used to
determine whether neonatal alveolar macrophages can respond to stimuli through the dectin-1 ~3-glucan
receptor, mannose receptor, or TLR2. 2. We will determine whether secondary signals from I cells are
required to stimulate neonatal alveolar macrophages. We will use adoptive transfer of cells and treatment with
exogenous stimulatory molecules in an attempt to stimulate alveolar macrophages to respond to
Pneumocystis. These studies are a logical extension of our previous funding period and will address the
mechanisms responsible for neonatal unresponsiveness to Pneumocystis.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/30/98 → 6/30/15 |
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute: $1,654,587.00
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