Grants and Contracts Details
Lung tumors contain not only the tumor cells, but also a variety of normal cells whose function is to help the lung
tumor grow. One of these normal cells is an immune cell, known at the macrophage. An important function of
macrophages (M0) is to kill tumor cells, but within lung tumors, this critical function is blocked due to inhibitory
factors released within the tumor. One of these inhibitory factors, IL-IO, blocks the ability of macro phages to
attack tumor cells and inhibits generation of immune responses that can effectively attack the tumor. Recent
studies have shown that M0s in tumors of mice can be modified so that they can attack tumor cells and generate
other anti-tumor immune responses. Importantly, these studies showed that a large percentage of the mice were
cured of their tumors and continued to live tumor-free. Based on these observations, we propose to test a
therapeutic model in mice with lung tumors to determine if this form of therapy can be adapted to the treatment of
lung cancer. We will use bone marrow transplantation in which several genes are first inserted into the marrow
cells before transplantation. The bone marrow cells will be induced to become M0s and then transplanted into
mice with lung tumors, where they will travel to the lung tumor. The inserted genes will be turned on within the
tumor where they will attack the tumor cells and help generate other immune responses that will also be able to
kill the tumor cells. To be cel1ain that these immune responses will work effectively inside of the tumor, we will
also treat the mice by injection of a drug to block the activity of the inhibitory factor, IL-IO. We will evaluate the
effectiveness of this novel therapy by determining 1.) how efficiently the modified M0s travel to the tumor and
activate their inserted genes; 2.) how effectively the immune system was able to generate immune responses
against the tumor; 3.) whether mice can be cured of their lung tumors. The results of these studies will establish
proof of principle for the potential of this novel form of lung cancer therapy to allow macrophages and other
immune cells to attack lung tumor cells in tumor-bearing mice and to "cure" mice of their growing tumors.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/06 → 7/1/06 |
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