Identification and Assessment of Potential for Insect Viruses to Sustainable Reduce Eastern Tent Caterpillar Populations in Central Kentucky

  • Webb, Bruce (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Expanded Statement of Work THE COOPERATOR (The University of Kentucky) Agrees To The Following Additional A.ctivities: a. Determine the ETC migration patterns at Cooperator field sites adjacent to a pasture to determine directionality and distance of migration patterns. b. Characterize the feeding preference of ETG's during foraging stage; tree to tree versus tree to pasture foraging and the orientation of the foraging behavior. c. Determine the efficacy of the ETG barrier at different Cooperator field sites; pasture versus urban. d. Monitor ETC densities at Cooperator field sites. e. Monitor and assess efficacy of various control strategies at Cooperator field sites. ARS Agrees To Conduct Research On The Following New Aspects of the Project: a. Monitor and assess efficacy of various control strategies at Cooperator field sites. b. Select one Cooperator field site for remote sensing study. b.
Effective start/end date9/6/027/31/05


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