Identification and Determination of Distress Levels and Rehabilitation Cycles

  • Allen, David (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study are: 1) to recommend a distress identification process for major distresses to be used in pavement performance models, 2) to establish a threshold for rideability and distress thresholds for fatigue cracking, transverse cracking, rutting, faulting, etc. 3) to identify and monitor calibration sites for evaluation ofthe NCHRP project 1- 37A performance prediction models, 4) to perform an experimental life cycle analysis to determine the optimum design strategies based on existing pavement conditions, traffic, treatments, and rehabilitation cycles. BACKGROUND: More resources are used to preserve and rehabilitate the existing pavements than to build new ones. In order for the Transportation Cabinet to maintain the Commonwealth's pavements in an acceptable condition of service, it is estimated by the pavement management section that a major increase in funding is necessary. The thresholds of pavement performance on which resurfacing and rehabilitation decisions are based have great impact on funding at the network level and project prioritization. If treatments are applied too late, pavements may accelerate deterioration and result in more expensive rehabilitation later. On the other hand, if treatments are applied too early, the remaining capacity of existing pavements is not fully used. In Kentucky, the distress levels of pavements are reflected by their condition points, but they do not include the detailed information concerning the types and severity of different distresses. The new pavement design guide under way, the 2002 "Guide for Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures," aims to improve the current design practices. It allows the designer to change pavement design inputs and evaluate the resulting change in pavement performance. This predicted performance must then be compared to acceptable levels within an agency to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular design. In addition, it is desirable that the models used to predict specific distresses are calibrated to local conditions and materials. To use the new design procedure, the distress data in Kentucky need to be recorded in more detail, critical distress thresholds need to be defined, and pavement performance models need to be calibrated. Then, rehab cycles can be predicted for different treatments and an optimum one can be identified. FY 2006 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Initial work has begun to evaluate the levels of distress at which rehabilitations have historically been conducted for rideability and condition points. Review has also continued on the l-37A design guide to fully understand the performance prediction models and their reliability. FY 2007 PROPOSED WORK: The analysis of historical pavement management data and the SHRP LTPP database will continue. In addition, field sites may be reviewed to determine actual distress parameters which may be used in the calibration process of the 1-37A design guide. PROJECTED COST THROUGH FY 2006: PROGRAMMED COST FY 2007: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $213,000 $ 75,000 $400,000
Effective start/end date7/1/066/30/07


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