Grants and Contracts Details
Identification of Drug Therapy Problems and Prescriber Acceptance of Pharmacist
Recommendations in a Medication Therapy Management Service: A Retrospective
Review, is a project designed to assess prescriber response to recommendations provided
by pharmacists in an ambulatory care setting.
The PharmacistCARE DiabetesCARE program is a diabetes education and management
service made up of a team of pharmacist educators. The mission of PharmacistCARE is
to help the public understand the medications they take and to control chronic health
conditions through the most effective use of medications. Patients follow up with a
pharmacist individually every 1-3 months upon completion of 6 hours of group
education. In the individual sessions pharmacists assess medication adherence,
medication changes, behavioral goals, American Diabetes Association (ADA) standards
of care, complications, lab values (Alc, lipids, urine microalbumin, serum creatinine,
LFTs), and self-monitoring blood glucose (download and review BG results from
patient's personal meter). Physical assessment (weight, BP, sensory foot exam) is also
performed. Each visit is documented and recommendations are sent to the patient's
health care provider(s). Each recommendation made by a pharmacist is documented on a
Pharmacist Intervention Form. This form is broken down into categories and is used to
track drug therapy problems. Retrospectively, these recommendations made by
pharmacists to the prescriber, generally the patient's primary care provider, will be
assessed to determine acceptance by the prescriber. This project is significant to
pharmacy practice because it will help determine if pharmacists are able to effectively
impact resolution of drug therapy problems through recommendations alone or if further
use of collaborative care agreements (CCAs) are needed to affect change. In addition,
CCAs as defined by the state's pharmacy practice act are somewhat restrictive and
challenging to implement. This project may identify the need to pursue legislative
changes to eliminate some of the barriers to these agreements.
The primary research objective is to measure the percentage of recommendations primary
care providers accepted from pharmacist interventions.
Secondary objectives:
1. To assess the length of time for a pharmacist recommendation to be accepted
2. To determine the cost savings involved for non-formulary recommendations
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/1/07 → 12/31/07 |
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