Identifying and Disseminating Substance, Treatment, and Strategy (STS) Recommendations to AIDS Service Organizations

Grants and Contracts Details


In an effort to help achieve an AIDS-free generation, the National Institute of Health has noted that research to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS is a high priority for their HIV/AIDS research during the next 3-5 years. Given that substance use among HIV+ individuals has been shown to increase the risk of HIV transmission, there have been increasing calls to improve integration of care for substance use and HIV. However, integration of substance use care within HIV settings is challenging and will require more research to understand how best to integrate care for comorbid HIV/AIDS and substance use. The proposed project would seek to advance the field by accomplishing specific aims that will identify regional priority substances, treatments, and strategies for integrating substance use care within HIV/AIDS service organizations, and then test an Assertive Dissemination and Implementation Facilitation package on service integration. These aims will be achieved via the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team of stakeholder and via a rigorous multilevel mixed-methods approach.
Effective start/end date11/5/186/30/25


  • Ohio State University: $77,149.00


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