Grants and Contracts Details
Coal represents a critical component in meeting U.S. energy needs. For example, in 2005, over 1.131 billion short tons of coal were produced in the United States. 1 During the same time period, electric utilities used 1.125 billion tons of coal. This represents over 50% of the total U. S. electricity production. And, coal will likely continue to be a major source of energy in the U.S. According to the National Energy Policy2 "Ifrising Us. electricity demand is to be met, then coal must playa significant role." The National Energy Policy also recommends that $2 billion over 10 years should be spent to fund research in
clean coal technologies.3 And, on March 6, 2003. President Bush announced that the United States would sponsor a $1 billion, ~Ii; 30.0 10-year demonstration project to create the "- world's first coal-based. zero-emission (including the capture and disposal of carbon dioxide emissions) electricity and hydrogen power plant. These efforts clearly indicate a recognition of coal's importance in meeting the U. S. energy needs today and in the future.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 5/15/07 → 3/31/09 |
- KY Office of Energy Policy: $101,041.00
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