• Warlick, Kenneth (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal is designed to ensure the Iowa Alternate Assessment Program continues to be a national leader by focusing on four key components: instructional techniques, professional development, appropriate assessment of students and communications with key constituencies. We will do this by providing continuity of program involvement iTomthe Inclusive Large Scale Standards and Assessment Group (ILSSA.) JLSSA has been funy involved "vith the development and implementation of the program to date. We will combine the technical expertise provided by JLSSA with the program management, logistics and scoring and reporting expertise iTomMeasured Progress, Inc., the leading developer of custom designed assessments in the United States. We win also continue to partner with the National Center on Educational Outcomes to ensure that the Iowa Department is provided feedback to infonn future implementation and training decisions.
Effective start/end date9/1/0311/18/04


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