Implement Plan Of Work For The So. Region SARE PDP Program

  • Meyer, Alphonse (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Southern SARE’s PDP’s goals include enhancing agricultural professionals’ effectiveness in supporting efforts to make farms, rural communities, and perhaps even urban communities more sustainable. SARE’s mission has been re-stated to reach out to “all of agriculture.” Extension workers and other land grant university faculty, staff and administrators are an essential resource in achieving these goals. By establishing a focused effort on land grant university faculty and especially extension personnel, the resources of the Southern Region SARE program can be more effectively utilized. The Southern Region SARE program Administrative Council has developed a “Model State Program” initiative which describes the desired situation and activities of the SARE State Coordinators. This document essentially defines a large part of the mission of the SARE LGU Coordinator. The term “coordination” is used in a very broad sense in this document, including roles of evaluator, advocate, information broker, mediator and problem solver.
Effective start/end date9/1/182/29/20


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