Improved Bridge Expansion Joints 10-405

  • Hopwood, Theodore (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


I) Conduct a literature review. Survey selected Sl-LI\s and hYTC Districts to obtain infonnation!opinions about expansion joint11eader installation. perfonnance and special maintenance requirements 'practices. 1) Obtain cost perfonnance data. specifications, installation instructions and maintenanee requirements on specific joint designs from manufacturers'material suppliers. 3) Develop guidance on joint selection enumerating preferred joints for both new construction and maintenance. Identify joint perfonnaJJee tests that may be used to evaluate new joints after they are placed. 4) Re\'iew the best perfonning deck joints/details (based upon Objective l) and identif) potential areas for joint perfonnanee enhaneements. Interfaee with joint'material manufacturers to implement enhaneed joint materials/designs. 5) Assist in the development OfhYTC experimental projects incorporating bridge expansion joints that offer improved perfonnanee. >'10nitor the placement of experimental joints during construction.
Effective start/end date7/1/096/30/10


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