Grants and Contracts Details
Improving estimation of Golden-winged Warbler adult apparent survival to parameterize
an integrated population model
The Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) is a declining long-distance migratory
bird in high urgency of population recovery. The Golden-winged Warbler Status Review and
Conservation Plan (Roth et al. 2019) identifies 27 conservation actions targeting different
aspects of the species’ full annual cycle that were developed through many stakeholder
workshops and in consultation with species experts. However, there are inadequate resources to
implement all 27 actions; thus, this research will aid in identifying the actions most likely to
increase populations. The GWWA is at a stage in the Road to Recovery in which partners have
formed a working group with partners representing all phases of the annual cycle (North
America, Central and South America), identified migratory connectivity of linked populations,
collected some vital rates in the breeding and non-breeding grounds, and developed a full annual
cycle plan. The proposed work will help the GWWA Working Group make significant progress
towards accomplishing Goal 1 in the conservation plan, which states to “understand the full
lifecycle of the GWWA to identify factors most likely limiting regional and global populations.”
To address this goal and move the species along the Road to Recovery by identifying the factors
limiting the global GWWA population, this project will collect vital rates that are crucial to the
full annual cycle modeling through an integrated population model (IPM). The requested funding
will greatly expand the spatial scope of the Nanotag project to produce data needed to
parameterize the GWWA IPM being developed by the GWWA Working Group. This proposal
focuses on the second half of a nanotag deployment effort whereby project collaborators have
already deployed the tags and we will seek the birds to determine whether they returned from
their nonbreeding grounds successfully.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/1/23 → 9/30/23 |
- Audubon North Carolina: $22,163.00
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