Improving Health Care and Diplomacy in Ecuador with University of Kentucky Shoulder to Shoulder Global Partnership

Grants and Contracts Details


Improving Health Care and Diplomacy in Ecuador through UK Shoulder to Shoulder Global Project Summary The University of Kentucky in partnership with Hombro a Hombro propose to model US values, improve diplomatic relationships, and advance technology through expanding HH Medical Center capacity, community services, participatory democracy, and empowerment. With the construction of a new building and durable commodities to house a medical lab, a rehabilitation center, Dental Center, a Women’s Empowerment Center, refugee support, and introducing primary care ultrasound, this proposal will improve community health, gender equity, socioeconomic inclusion, and offer advanced medical training to Ecuador. This will build on recent positive developments in US and Ecuadorian relationships after a decade long challenging diplomatic relationship.
Effective start/end date10/1/229/30/26


  • Agency for International Development: $421,681.00


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