Improving Intersection Design Practices 09-380

Grants and Contracts Details


The objectiw of this project is to develop a process where a complete and systematic evaluation of intersection design altel11atives is achieved. The altel11atives should address operational and safety efficiency for all roadway users. Intersection altel11atives should consider both geometric desi~'11 and operational elements, such as number of lanes, amcilim: lanes. lane usage. and traffic control. The traffic control options should evaluate the use of sign, traffic signaL and roundabout options and dete1111ine the most appropriate control for the panicular location. This will allow for a more appropriate and properly customized design for each section and avoid the use of "standard or l\pical" designs. Moreover. this approach will provide a properly justified and documented decision process that could become part ofthe design file for the project and it would be based on sound engineering judgment.
Effective start/end date7/1/096/30/10


  • KY Transportation Cabinet


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