Grants and Contracts Details
Increasing profitability of cropping systems is essential for all producers in Kentucky. One potential way to increase profitability is to increase yields. Many people have observed that double-crop soybean yields following winter wheat are lower than other winter annuals. Determining if this observation is indeed 'real' is essential. This will allow a better understanding of double-crop soybean production challenges in Kentucky. Understanding challenges that reduce crop yields is essential to developing an agronomic management strategy that can either compensate or overcome the problems. Soybean germination, seedling growth and grain yield will be measured in field conditions to determine if soybean yields are different when the preceding crop is canola, barley, or wheat. Soybean germination and seedling growth will also be measured in controlled greenhouse and cold chamber conditions. This will allow determination of whether early soybean seedling growth is suppressed when grown in soils that the previous crop was either canola, barley, or wheat. This study will likely require at least 3 years to fully understand the cause of the possible yield reductions following winter wheat. This request is for the second year of funding.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/15 → 12/31/16 |
- Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board: $39,852.00
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