Improving Sustainability of Forage-Based Production Systems

Grants and Contracts Details


This NACA between The Forage-Animal Production Research Unit (FAPRU) and the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is to conduct collaborative research focused on forage-based livestock production. The parties agree that the objectives of this NACA are consistent with research missions of both USDA-ARS and the University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. The independent interests of the University of Kentucky include a strong commitment to utilizing forages in the region to enhance the economy of the Commonwealth in general and the small- to mid-size farmer in particular. The FAPRU has the mission to improve productivity, competitiveness, and sustainability of forage-based enterprises. This partnership was generated to provide the livestock industry with sustainable technologies, management practices and integrative strategies to improve the conservation and use of pasture agro-ecosystems to support livestock production and other natural resource uses.
Effective start/end date5/1/184/30/23


  • Agricultural Research Service: $4,046,705.00


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