Improving the Accuracy of Chemical Applications with Direct Injection

Grants and Contracts Details


Liquid spray application of crop control agents, fertilizers and other products is an important method for improving agricultural productivity. The ultimate goal of any spray application is to apply at every location in a field the exact desired amount of concentrated agent. Unfortunately, there are widely documented shortcomings with current application equipment in achieving this goal. In this project, the investigators propose an innovative system based on direct nozzle injection that will improve application accuracy and reduce chemical waste. This system includes a simplified metering method, robust concentration feedback, and improved agent delivery system. Unlike other direct nozzle injection systems, it accommodates real-time changes in agents without time delays at the nozzle output. It improves accuracy with feedback control based on the concentration of the agent as detected by an optical sensor at the nozzle. Testing of the system includes modelling of the delivery system, laboratory testing of concentration sensors, metering devices and the entire system, and field testing to confirm the results of laboratory testing. Many researchers have documented the benefits of direct nozzle injection in improving application accuracy, reducing waste, reducing environmental effects, and reducing risks to agricultural workers. This proposal would make obtaining these benefits more economically practical. It also provides unique new abilities such as monitoring nozzle health, and controlling the concentration of multiple agents in real-time. These new abilities combined with a practical implementation will help make American agriculture more economically efficient, environmentally compatible, and safe for workers.
Effective start/end date3/1/172/28/23


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture: $498,726.00


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