Improving the U.S. Workforce Development System

Grants and Contracts Details


This research aims to answer two essential questions: What can be done to make the U.S. construction workforce development system effective? Which changes will position the U.S. construction workforce development system as a world leader? To answer this question the following objectives must be achieved: 1) Document and formally model the current U.S. workforce development system(s); 2) Analyze the current U.S. workforce development system for deficiencies, strengths and how construction industry stakeholders and workforce participants influence workforce development outcomes; and 3) Design an effective workforce development system that will serve the needs of the construction industry and identify measures that can be used to evaluate the performance of the system For the purposes of this research, the workforce development system includes elements of the U.S primary, secondary, and post-secondary education system, construction training, and placement and retention efforts of craft professionals. Elements that will be excluded from the scope of the work will include unemployment problems (e.g. underemployment), specific primary, secondary, and post-secondary curriculum design (but outcomes may be identified), and comprehensive immigration reform. It is also important to note that the scope of this effort will prevent full validation of the designed effective workforce system as part of this project. However, measure of validation will be identified and a plan for a validation effort will be developed for a potential project extension of RT-335.
Effective start/end date9/1/159/30/18


  • Construction Industry Institution/University of Texas: $118,224.00


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