Grants and Contracts Details
Heritage Farmers in Kentucky: Making Connec ons with Underserved Audiences
Nicole Gauthier and April Lamb
Throughout US history, Black, Indigenous, and people of color have been farmers. From eras of
slavery to Jim Crow to forced reloca on, these farmers have been excluded from agricultural
advances. Unfortunately, their par cipa on in tradi onal American agricultural systems,
including agricultural degree programs and Extension programs, has been limited. During this
new millennium, one in which we strive for equity and inclusion, Extension seeks to iden fy and
address the needs of all stakeholders.
HUP farmers are not su?ciently represented in our Extension audiences. Although Extension is
not the sole source for science-based informa on, it is an ideal source for local, no-cost,
science-based recommenda ons. This project opens the door for communica on, connec on,
and cultural learning. The aim of this project is to provide Extension resources to HUP
stakeholders so that they can realize pro?ts from their farms and well-being through
rela onships with their land. We aim to close the communica on gap between our Extension
programs and HUP growers while focusing on speci?c IPM needs of these farmers. Providing
IPM recommenda ons that integrate heritage prac ces with science-based techniques will help
build trust, strengthen rela onships, and increase adop on. As this program develops, we
an cipate that it will serve as a model for IPM specialists in other cropping systems, as well as
those in other states.
In order to build trust and to be er connect with Heritage farmers in Kentucky, we aim to make
connec ons with HUP farm associa ons, determine their needs, and develop IPM resources.
This one-year project will serve as the ?rst step in serving HUP specialty crop growers in
Kentucky. These resources can also serve HUP growers throughout the region, and this project
can serve as a model for other states.
The objec ves of this study are to:
1. Determine IPM priori es by understanding the needs of HUP specialty crop farmers. This
objec ve includes forma on of a focus group that includes at least 5 HUP growers.
2. Develop pest management recommenda ons for Heritage farmers, highligh ng the
most e?ec ve heritage prac ces and recommending alterna ve prac ces. This objec ve
will include development of fact sheets and video resources for managing pests.
3. Ini ate early rela onships with HUP growers by a ending events and listening to grower
needs. This objec ve will include a grower survey. IRB approval will be sought a er
survey is created but before distribu on.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 9/1/24 → 8/31/25 |
- Iowa State University: $19,999.00
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