Infant Intensive Care Grant 2014-2015

Grants and Contracts Details


The IICP grant has been in existence and continuously since 1976. The program has supported the bringing of complex intensive care technologies to the University Hospital and its Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The grant funding has provided supplemental support for specialized intensive care services for sick newborn infants from throughout Eastern Kentucky. The IICP has four basic components: Outreach Education; In-patient hospital care; Sick infant transport; and, Clinic services for post discharge neuro-developmental assessment. Outreach education for 2011 provided 49 classes for 527 health care providers throughout the many counties of Eastern Kentucky. The in- patient service of the neonatal intensive care unit admitted 743 sick infants, of which survival was 94%. Of the 743 NICU admissions, 390 were transported by a team of specially trained nurse practitioners in by either ambulance or helicopter. Finally, the post discharge neurodevelopment assessments totaled 73 clinic days and 720 infants were seen in follow up with referral back to their 'medical homes' and primary care providers. 2. Budgetary Justification of the IICP Grant. Current grant funding is $313,400. Grant funds are allocated for support of the Outreach Education programs, both for educational materials and personnel. The larger allocations support the neurodevelopmental assessment clinic program in the form of personnel (psychologist, speech therapist, social worker, dietitian, physical therapist, nurse coordinator, administrative staff support, and physician services), and supplies. The principle of assessing the outcome of the enormous effort of life saving care in the NICU underscores the IICP grant support … and constitutes the overriding budgetary justification
Effective start/end date7/1/146/30/15


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $313,400.00


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