Informing CWD Management by Investigating White-Tailed Deer Movement and Survival in Western Kentucky.

Grants and Contracts Details


Submitting PI: Matthew Springer, Ph.D. Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Project Summary: Informing CWD management by investigating white-tailed deer movement and survival in Western Kentucky. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) was detected in Ballard County, Kentucky during the fall of 2023. With a CWD-affected deer found within Kentucky, wild cervid populations are in imminent threat of infection and are in need of a targeted, highly effective response plan. Unfortunately, white-tailed deer population parameters and movement data that could help inform CWD management is lacking within the region the disease was detected. To ensure KDFWR conducts adequate risk-based surveillance and responds with appropriate management actions, this project, in partnership with KDFWR, will capture and fit GPS collars on ~80 juvenile white-tailed deer in the Kentucky CWD surveillance zone. The objectives of this study are to monitor dispersal habitat selection and distances of juvenile white-tailed deer in the CWD zone, develop predictive dispersal and habitat selection models for deer in the region that will identify potential disease spread corridors, and generate baseline population survival parameters for the area. Predictive corridors are likely CWD transmission pathways and identifying them will aid in the agencies’ abilities to implement additional focused surveillance and management.
Effective start/end date12/16/24 → 6/30/25


  • KY Department of Fish and Wildlife: $226,977.00


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