Grants and Contracts Details
The public and academic image of residential long-term care in the U.S., particularly nursing facilities, is one of
'worlds apart,' places where older adults--separated from home, family, friends, and past lifestyles--become disengaged
from society and await death. Pilot research in a rural nursing facility has questioned the inevitability of this image and
suggested that, insofar as long-term care facilities are able to sustain a high level of institutional permeability (defined as
the dynamic exchange of people, communication, and support between a long-term care facility and the community in
which it is located), it is possible to enhance well-being and sustain a high quality of life by reinforcing continuity in
resident's lives and maintaining links with the world beyond the doors of the facility. Little systematic research has
investigated the concept of institutional permeability and its relationship to well-being in different kinds of long-term
care environments. Using complementary quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study wilI: describe, measure,
and compare manifestations, characteristics, and meanings of institutional permeability in an array of different nursing
and assisted living facilities (urban-rural, ethnically diverse-ethnically homogeneous, small-large); investigate the
relationship between institutional permeability and the psychosocial status of residents; and test and refine a theoretical
model of institutional permeability. Quantitative datawilI be collected from a sample of 600 long-term care residents
(300 from nursing facilities and 300 from assisted living facilities), their primary family members, and the staff persons
most closely involved in their day-to-day lives. Interviews wilI be conducted at baseline, six-months, and one-year to
tap dynamic aspects of institutional permeability. A growth curve modeling approach will be utilized to test a series of
hypotheses regarding institutional permeability. The qualitative component will involve in-depth ethnographic research
in two of the nursing facilities and two of the assisted living facilities. This will include monitoring the institutional
permeability of 64 resident/family member/staff member constellations through participant observation, repeated
in-depth semi-structured interviews, and event analysis. Case study and thematic analysis will facilitate integration of
tIJe qualitative findings with those from the quantitative research. This study, the first in-depth investigation of
institutional permeability, will not only develop new theory but also may lead to a reframing of the manner in which
society views the relationship between long-term care facilities and their environmental contexts as well as the
development of new strategies for enhancing the quality of life of elders in long-term care.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/30/02 → 9/29/07 |
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