Grants and Contracts Details


ABSTRACT / GENERAL AUDIENCE SUMMARY: The American Cancer Society (ACS) Institutional Research Grant (IRG) is awarded by the ACS. This grant provides funds that are distributed to promising new investigators at the University of Kentucky (UK) and UK’s Markey Cancer Center (MCC) who are performing cancer-related research. The primary objective of the ACS IRG is to help new faculty develop their research program and establish a track-record of peer-reviewed funding. This funding mechanism, in turn, will enhance their efforts to build their cancer research programs and compete for larger extramural grants. The success of previous ACS IRG awardees in obtaining extramural funding reflects the value of this program. Dr. Kathleen O’Connor will continue to serve as PI of the ACS IRG. Funds from the ACS IRG will be distributed to new faculty on a competitive basis. Briefly, grants will be solicited from potential candidates two times per year, and guidelines are provided to each grantee. Submitted grant applications will be reviewed by Dr. O’Connor and a panel of UK faculty with expertise in all areas of cancer research. This process will select grants with the highest scientific merit and greatest likelihood of future extramural funding. We anticipate the awarding of 9 grant applications over the three-year period of the ACS IRG. Awardees must spend the funds within one year, although no-cost extensions of up to one additional year can be requested if justified. Awardees are expected to acknowledge ACS IRG funding, when appropriate, in abstracts and papers.
Effective start/end date1/1/2312/31/25


  • American Cancer Society: $612,000.00


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