Integrated Material Architectures: From Nanoscale Studies to Nano/Micro-Device Development

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky DOE Materials Research Cluster is an integrated group of investigators emphasizing critical Department of Energy research goals in two major "focus areas" related to nanotechnology and MEMS (micro electromechanical systems). The first focus area concentrates on the fundamental studies of nanoscale materials to assess their potential towards nanoscale device development, while the second complementary focus area strongly emphasizes device applications through the use of nanoscale materials, implementing MEMS and microtechnology as "enabling platforms". An interdisciplinary collection of key researchers from both the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky has been assembled and appropriately grouped into two teams that will synergistically address the significant research challenges associated with each focus area. The two focus groups contain members with diverse but related backgrounds, and thus are capable of addressing the fundamental issues related to nanoscale materials as well as potential applications of these materials in fabricating nano/micro/memsscale devices. The cadre of devices proposed in this research require the careful integration of several disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, mechanics, electronics, material science, MEMS and nanotechnology. The "fundamental science" group is primarily based in the physics discipline, and the "applications" group is predominantly from the engineering field. The two groups leverage the expertise and strengths of each other, interfacing regularly to discuss results and planned future directions. To enhance group interactions, each team contains, by design, a member whose educational background is from the others group's primary focus area. For example, the "fundamental science" group contains one engineer, while the "applications" group contains one physicist. In this manner, the two groups remain integrated on a daily basis and are thus more sensitive to global issues of the research cluster. Focus Group A (the fundamental science group) is led by Dr. Chakram Jayanthi of the UofL Physics Department, and Dr. Kevin Walsh of the UofL Electrical and Computer Engineering Department heads the Focus Group B (the applications group). Funding of this proposal will continue to enhance the already strong commitment that the state of Kentucky has reserved to research in the areas of advanced materials, nanotechnology and MEMS. It will also continue to enhance the state's commitment to building core infrastructure in these critical areas, as is evident by the construction of a new $35M Science and Technology Building beginning in May of 2003 that will house an 8,000 sq. ft. class 100 MicrolNano- Technology Cleanroom facility, which will rival those of Stanford, Berkeley and Cornell. That facility will permanently house the over $5M of fabrication and characterization equipment that the two groups have successfully acquired over the last several years. This proposal continues those strong efforts.
Effective start/end date7/1/036/30/05


  • University of Louisville: $57,106.00


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