Intentional Site Burial of Two Rockshelter Sites in the Red River Gorge of Eastern Kentucky: A Micro-Environmental Analysis of Archaelogical Sites to Ascertain Whether or Not a Geo-Textile Barrier will Affect the Preservation Potential of the Dry Soils

  • Crothers, George (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract The Red River Gorge National Register Archeological District was recently named by Preservation Kentucky as one of Kentucky's "Most Endangered" historic properties for 2004. Archeological sites found within the hundreds of dry rock shelters in the gorge are extremely susceptible to recreational impacts. A recent survey documented over 222 archaeological sites at rock climbing areas that were being impacted by the activity. The Forest Service is contemplating the use of geo-textiles as a means of site protection. This study would help provide an understanding of the effects of the use of these geo-textiles and intentional site burial on the physical and chemical properties of the highly preservative soils in dry rock shelters. No scientific literature currently exists on this subject. The purpose of the project is to study an alternative measure for long-term preservation of fragile heritage sites in the Red River Gorge Archaeological District, on the Daniel Boone National Forest with the possibility of future provisions for recreational access. Implications for this study reach far beyond the boundaries of the Red River Gorge though, as cultural heritage sites on public land throughout the United States are being impacted by increased recreational use.
Effective start/end date11/8/056/30/07


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