International: Fast Solvers for Computational Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, and Environmental Modeling

Grants and Contracts Details


Focus, Outline of Proposed Study, and Scientific Merit. Thio io propooal to support a close collaboration between members of the University of Kentucky, Johannes Kepler Universitiit Linz, and Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz. The latter two universities are in Austria. Travel between the two Austrian universities takes 3-4 hours by either car or train. The requested funds will be spent on graduate students travel and local housing expenses while in Austria. \Ve have identified several current students as candidates including ones who are minority or Appalachian students. Existing collaborations exist involving faculty visits, but there is no such travel collaboration involving students, which we propose starting. In addition~ we propo~e extending our faculty collaboration~ into new area~ that we have not '.vorked together on in the past, but which we have exten~ive capabilities. \Ve will develop new algorithms, codes, and mathematical analysis application area~: computational neurology~ environmental problems,m combustion ~imulation, and image reconstruction. \'/e will have extend algorithm~ and analysis for parallel computing, domain decompo~ition, algebraic multigrid, dynamic data-driven application simulation~ and computing of eigencomponents.
Effective start/end date9/1/048/31/09


  • National Science Foundation: $57,174.00


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