INTREPID--Ticagrelor vs. aspirin in patients with elevated troponin levels post-op

  • Smyth, Susan (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


HUMAN CLINICAL TRIAL - CONFIDENTIAL Intrepid Abstract PI: Susan Smyth, MD, PhD Sponsor: Cleveland Clinic Foundation Full Title: Investigating Ticagrelor treatment in Patients with Myocardial Injury post non-cardiac Surgery This is a Phase 4 study, enrolling approximately 1000 patients at 30 centers in the US. We are anticipating approximately 36 to be enrolled at UK. The target population will be undergoing major, non-cardiac surgery, who have a positive troponin (cardiac marker) following a qualifying surgery will be screened for study entry. Patients who qualify will be randomized to either placebo or Ticagrelor and are expected to be followed clinically for a minimum of 13 months, 12 months planned drug therapy. The purpose is to establish the rate of cardiac events in patients with elevated troponins following major non-cardiac surgery and whether Ticagrelor reduces these events.
Effective start/end date6/1/157/31/16


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