Investigations of Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp Control in a new generation of glyphosate-, glufosinate-, and dicamba-resistant soybean.

Grants and Contracts Details


Glyphosate-resistant waterhemp and Palmer amaranth are wide spread across the state of Kentucky and remain the predominate weed problem for many Kentucky soybean producers. In addition to wide spread glyphosate resistance, PPO-resistance has now also been confirmed in these species in Kentucky. This has further emphasizing a need for diverse herbicide programs to not only control existing resistant weeds, but also in mitigating future resistance. Producers now rely on soil residual herbicides followed by a by postemergence applications to control these weeds. The number of postemergence options has expanded in the last year with the introduction of dicamba-tolerant soybean and will be soon further expand with a new generation of soybean with tolerance to glyphosate, dicamba, and glufosinate. Field studies will be conducted in cooperation with soybean producers to investigate control options for Palmer amaranth and waterhemp in soybean with tolerance to glyphosate, dicamba, and glufosinate. Studies will investigate multiple approaches including postemergence only, preemergence followed by postemergence, and postemergenece with a residual programs with varied levels of herbicide site of action diversity.
Effective start/end date4/1/183/31/19


  • Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board: $17,934.00


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