Jennifer Tinsley: Resilience and Professional Quality of Life in Firefighters

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract: High job-related stress and poor workplace-satisfaction may result in increased injury risk and decreased ability to appropriately respond to inevitable physical/psychological challenges among firefighters. Literature has begun exploring the effects of population-specific challenges on the psychosocial and physical wellbeing of firefighters to identify the prevalence both mental- health symptomology (ex. depression, burnout) and protective psychological factors, such as resilience. However, the relationship between these psychological factors and contextual factors, such as compassion fatigue/satisfaction, rank, years of service, and age, remains. This cross-sectional study aims to compare grit and resilience among a firefighter cohort to age- matched controls, and quantify the relationship between these psychological factors and contextual factors. Questionnaires will be given to both cohorts regarding grit, resilience, professional quality of life (compassion fatigue/satisfaction) and contextual factors (ex. age, rank, injury history). We hypothesize that the firefighter cohort will experience higher grit and resilience compared to age-matched cohorts, and that years of service, rank, age and compassion satisfaction will be positively correlated to grit and resilience within firefighters. Improved understanding of these unique contextual factors enables meaningful care plans and future studies to develop in a psychologically-informed, evidence-based approach as the presence of Athletic Trainers serving these populations continues to grow.
Effective start/end date8/1/216/30/23


  • NATA Research & Education Foundation: $1,900.00


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