Grants and Contracts Details
Entity, Number of Offenders, Location: The Johnson County Fiscal Court (Lead Agency; Local
Entity), in partnership with the Big Sandy Regional Detention Center (BSRDC), Mountain
Comprehensive Care Center (MCCC) and the University of Kentucky Center on Drug and
Alcohol Research (UK CDAR), is requesting funds to implement the Family-Based Offender
Substance Abuse Treatment Program for 100 medium- to high-risk offenders who are the
custodial parents of minor children and have been diagnosed with a drug dependency as well as
services for these children and other family members during the 24-month project period. The
grant will address Category 1: BJA-2011-3033, Unit of Local Government.
Targeted Population: The targeted population is medium- to high-risk offenders in the BSRDC
and within 6 – 12 months of scheduled release who are the custodial parents of minor children
(priority but does not exclude non-custodial parents), have been diagnosed with drug dependency
and are returning to Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin and Martin Counties in Kentucky, which are
among Kentucky’s top ten counties (of 120) in terms of alcohol/drug abuse and an area with a
serious prescription drug abuse problem. In fact, 88% of drug arrests are related to dangerous
non-narcotic drugs and an average of 9% for marijuana. Recidivism is also upwards of 50% for
those leaving the BSRDC compared to 42% for Kentucky and 34% for the nation. Persons who
have charges or reasonable evidence of domestic violence or child abuse will be excluded from
the program.
Pre- and Post-Release Services: The influx of federal funding will enable these partners to
conduct standard inmate assessments including the Psychosocial Assessment to identify
criminogenic risks/needs and to provide evidence-based substance abuse treatment and aftercare.
Utilizing assessment data, a Transitional Management Team will work with the offender to
develop a comprehensive Individual Case Plan outlining both pre-and post-release services
including substance abuse treatment (residential and outpatient), case management, recovery
support services (e.g. housing, employment and education assistance, child care, mainstream
benefits) and aftercare for up to 6 months post-release. Complementing the offender’s
assessment and plan is the Family Needs Assessment for children and other family members to
identify their needs and conduct appropriate interventions (e.g. child and family counseling,
parenting classes, and substance abuse education).
Pre- and post-release evidence-based substance abuse treatment will include RDAP coupled with
cognitive-based programming (RDAP modules) to address criminogenic factors, parenting
classes (Partners in Parenting), and integrated mental health care as needed (e.g. genderresponsive
and/or trauma-informed care). Motivational Interviewing will also be utilized to
enhance offender motivation to participate in treatment and adjunctive services. Finally, UK
CDAR will establish and oversee evaluation protocols to capture program outcomes and
integrate with Kentucky’s substance abuse data collection system.
Non-profit Partnerships to Coordinate Services: As one of Kentucky's 14 regional mental
health and mental retardation boards, MCCC has an extensive array of services for offenders,
their children and families. In addition to the proposed residential and outpatient substance abuse
treatment, case management, recovery and aftercare, MCCC will make available its mental
health services (e.g. individual, group and family counseling and range of psychiatric care)
targeted for children, adolescents, adults and families; victim’s services; substance abuse
education and support groups; and services for offenders on probation and parole including
mentoring. In addition to referrals to its own programs, MCCC will also coordinate with regional
service providers to ensure access to key community resources.
Purposes and Goals: The primary goals of the program are to increase public safety and reduce
recidivism in Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin and Martin Counties. The targeted objectives for
program development and implementation are to: 1) ensure that project implementation and
evaluation adhere to objectives and facilitate continuous quality improvement; 2) improve
substance abuse treatment within the BSRDC by providing comprehensive assessment and
evidence-based services; and 3) improve discharge planning by coordinating comprehensive
community-based substance abuse treatment and wraparound services for offenders’ and their
children and families.
Outcomes for the target population by the end of the 24-month period include: 1) reduce the
recidivism rate by 50%; 2) reduce the crime rate in Johnson, Lawrence, Magoffin and Martin
Counties; 3) increase employment by 25%; 4) increase educational enrollment by 25%; 5) reduce
the number of violations of conditions of supervised release by 50%; 6) increase the number of
participants who fulfill their child support obligations by 50%; 7) increase the number who
obtained housing by 50%; 8) of those assessed as needing substance abuse treatment, 75% will
participate; 9) of those assessed as needing mental health services, 75% will participate; 10) of
the participants who complete the residential program, 75% will pass drug testing; and 11)
reduce alcohol abuse and consumption by 50%. UK CDAR and the project partners also agree to
make revisions/adjustments to align with all required BJA performance measures
To ensure successful outcomes, UK CDAR will conduct the project performance assessment
which will focus on GPRA measures, parent/child outcomes, implementation (process
evaluation) and achievement of project objectives, client satisfaction, and continuous quality
Priority Considerations: The program will meet three of the four targeted priorities including: 1)
target medium- to high-risk offenders who are custodial parents of minor children who have been
diagnosed with drug dependency; 2) incorporate the six-evidence based practices as a part of
care; and 3) contract with UK CDAR to conduct an independent evaluation (as possible, random
assignment and controlled studies) to determine program effectiveness. While this rural area
does not have large numbers returning from prison/jails to the community compared to denselypopulated
urban areas, its high recidivism rate of 50% makes it an area of critical need.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 10/1/13 → 9/30/14 |
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