Kentucky Agriculture Agent Professional Development - Attending the 2008 Tobacco Workers Conference

    Grants and Contracts Details


    The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (UKCES) has a history of strong county programs on tobacco. In a summary of current county burley tobacco educational programs, agents commented that there is a renewed interest in tobacco. While the numbers of growers they are dealing with are lower, the growers they are dealing with have larger acreages and are better growers. In addition, agents are finding these growers are more knowledgeable about tobacco than were pre-buyout clientele. Over the past ten years, UKCES has hired 40 new agents. Many of these new agents do not have an extensive tobacco background. Therefore, there is a strong need for professional development opportunities, such as the Tobacco Workers Conference. Attendance at the Tobacco Workers Conference will give agents the opportunity to learn about the latest research on leaf quality, production efficiency, reduction of tobacco-specific nitrosamines, and other critical issues in tobacco. It will also give them an extended opportunity to network with specialists and industry individuals to build their ability to deliver the most current information to their clientele.
    Effective start/end date1/1/086/30/10


    • Tobacco Education and Research Council Inc: $10,000.00


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