Kentucky Alternate Portfolio

  • Compton, Jonathan (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Provide the services of its employees in the implementation of Statewide Alternate Assessment program for Kentucky. The program has three components: portfolios (collection of student work), attainment tasks (performance events) and transition attainment record (skill checklists). The components fulfill federal requirements found in the No Child Left Behind Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as well as Kentucky state Law. The work of the vendor ensures that students with significant challenges will be represented in Kentucky's assessment and accountability system Plan (IEP) team (including general and special education teachers, families and students) to measure student performance, encourage student choice and decision-making, merge instructional and assessment activities and building support for meaningful participation in appropriate general education curriculum.
Effective start/end date8/19/119/30/12


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  • Kentucky Alternate Portfolio

    Compton, J. (PI)


    Project: Research project