Grants and Contracts Details
Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services have been legally mandated for many years. The
passage of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its subsequent amendments that prioritize services to those persons with the most significant disabilities, to enhance consumer direction and participation. and to advance the civil rights of people with disabilities have promoted the use of AT. The Individuals with Disabilities Act Amendments (IDEA 1997) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004), mandate that every student with an Individualized Program (IEP) must be considered for AT. The la\vs impact approximately 11.3 million working-age adults and six million school-age children identified with a disability. As a result. states have written assistive technology policies, procedures, guidelines. and technical assistance manuals to reflect the changes in federal laws.
School districts, rehabilitation counseling centers,and vocational centers are in need of qualified personnel to plan, develop, and implement assistive devices and services in order to comply with federal and state policies. However, because of the lack of AT degree and certification programs at the preservice level, it is often problematic for rehabilitation centers and school districts to find AT trained personnel, thus, directly impacting the services that can be provided for individuals with disabilities.
The broad scope of this proposed project is to prepare personnel from varying fields to integrate assistive technology into the school curriculum, post-secondary education, employment situations, and the daily lives of persons with disabilities. Students recruited for the program will include those from culturally diverse backgrounds and those with disabilities who hold an earned master's degree in rehabilitation counseling, special education, or a related discipline.
Upon successful completion of the program students wiII earn an AT Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) or may opt for an AT Certificate. The degree will prepare graduates to
serve as AT specialists to consult and collaborate with rehabilitation counselors, transition specialists, and
special educators to address the AT needs of individuals with disabilities. Students supported by the project
will develop a program of studies tailored to their individual needs. Both the degree and certificate programs
will consist of a combination of required and elective university classes. The students. along with their
program committee, will identify the appropriate courses to meet each student's needs. Upon completion of the
certificate or degree program students will be afforded the opportunity to take the Assistive Technology
Practitioners exam offered by the Rehabilitation, Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North
America (RESNA).
Because AT encompasses numerous disciplines, it is proposed that the project will be conducted in
collaboration with the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, the Department of
Rehabilitation Sciences, and the Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute at the University of Kentucky:
the Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Program at Cardinal Hill Hospital; the Bluegrass Technology
Center for Persons with disabilities; the Kentucky Department of Vocational Rehabilitation; a local public
school district school-to-work transition program in Jessamine County Public Schools; and a local vendor,
(ORCCA Technology).
The project will operate under the guidance of an Assistive Technology Support Team consisting of
members of all of the prior mentioned disciplines, AT consumers, and parents of persons who use AT. The AT
Support Team will collaborate on curriculum and resources for the program. serve as guest lecturers, and
provide practica placement" for the students.
Funds are being requested for student support in the form of in-state tuition waivers for 10 students
per year during its five-year duration (2005-2010). The Graduate School at the University of Kentucky has
committed funds to pay for the non-resident portion of tuition for out of state recipients of the KARTT
scholarships. Each year, students \vill also receive $500.00 toward the purchase of textbooks, a waver of
student fees, and travel funds to training and practica sites. In addition to student support, funds arc also being
requested for personnel to direct, implement, and evaluate the program; and travel funds to Washington DC for
the project director's orientation and the National Rehabilitation Education Conference as encouraged by the
funding source.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 10/1/05 → 9/30/11 |
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