Kentucky Beef Network Bull Assessment

Grants and Contracts Details


Eastern Kentucky Integrated Reproductive Management Program 2017 First quarter Classroom 4 Farm visits 40 Second Quarter Farm visits 40 Third Quarter Field days 4 Farm visits 40 Fourth Quarter Classroom/field days 8 Farm visits 40 Total Cattlemen Contacted – 800-1,000 Estimated Economic Impact on 60 farms (about 2,000 cows) = $200,00-300,000 based upon previous research and the current market structure. KBN Field Associates 2017 .. Encourage Field Associates to have 15-20 new contacts each quarter identified in monthly reports .. KBN staff will host quarterly meetings to discuss programs, give updates, and provide continuing education .. Field Associates need to participate or speak at 2 county meetings per quarter on KBN programs .. KBN staff will conduct program specific training classes to familiarize field associates with on KBN programs Linking Environment and Farming 2017 .. Develop an outreach program for cattlemen to focus on how protecting the environment and cattle farming are mutually inclusive activities that can lead to environmental, production, and economic benefits simultaneously. .. Develop a LEAF binder template that can be customized to an individual beef cattle operation as a tool for cattlemen in developing skills in organization and planning, soil management, crop health and production, energy efficiency, community engagement, pollution control, animal science, water management, and a repository for records/resources. .. Implement demonstrations to showcase various BMP’s, resources, and techniques utilized to develop and implement LEAF plans .. Host field days at regional demonstration hubs to help show producers installation methods of environmental practices to be used in LEAF program .. Conduct post program evaluation will be done with participants to evaluate the impact of the program Cattle Handling and Care Program 2017 .. Evaluate survey instrument of past participants to assess practice change and determine if changes need to be made to the program. .. Certify 500 new producers across the state .. Develop advanced program for beef marketers (50 producers) Beef Production Efficiencies Conference 2017 .. Conference will be hosted with an anticipated audience of 150-200 participants annually .. Increased awareness of factors that impact on-farm efficiency will be the primary impact .. Post-program evaluation will be determined to assess the impact of the conference Bull Value Assessment 2017 .. Develop Modules, Catalogs, Notebooks and Videos that will be used in the educational program .. Identify the 5 sites that will be used in the educational program Master Cattlemen 2017 .. Conduct 6-9 programs consisting of ten, 4-hour instructional sessions. .. Conduct hands on field days for participants .. Goal 300 graduates of the program .. Conduct post-session follow-up on the 2015 participants to determine changes adopted as a result of the program (goal 75 respondents) Applied Master Cattlemen 2017 .. Forage testing – 100 forage/feed samples will be tested annually to enhance the understanding and adoption of this technology .. Applied Demonstrations – 10-20 demonstrations will be conducted annually to aid in how technology can be utilized on-farm .. Applied MC Classes – 6-10 Applied MC in-class sessions will delivered with an expected audience of 20-50 participants Graze 300- Master Grazer Educational Program 2017 .. Conduct KY Grazing Schools (2 day program with hands-on learning opportunities) goal 40-50 participants/year .. Conduct Advanced Grazing School to expand the knowledge base of previous attendees of the KY Grazing Schools. Goal 50 attendees/year .. Publish a monthly newsletter on grazing practices during the grazing season (February-November) .. Continue to develop Master Grazer Website to publish and archive articles and videos regarding grazing. .. Conduct 3-5 “Lengthening the Grazing Season” one day programs. Goal 75 producers .. 4 on farm demonstrations will implement various management practices, and regional field days will highlight their successes
Effective start/end date3/21/1712/31/18


  • Kentucky Beef Network


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