Grants and Contracts Details
9 Bioinformatfcs core
The bioinformatics core wilt develop and provide nfrastructure
needs of KBRfN researchers with a focus on the needs of the UK biomedical
research community. Operating from the UK Bioinformatics Center,
faculty members (Staben and Stromberg), research staff (including Venu
Gapal-Puram. MS in computer science). and graduate research assistants
provide bioinformatics consultation on areas including basic bioinformatics
ta meet daily needs of molecular biologists, consultation on project design
for genome ortranscriptomecharacterization, data analysis for microarray,
laboratory and analysis information management in support of genomic
techniques. and training or workshops. The Center will provide a point of
contact for access to our intended software purchases, particuJarly to our
intended purchase of desktop molecufar biology bioinformatics sofuvare
serving UK and theKBRfN network. Our staff can also provide database and
system administration and limited custom programming for bioinformatic
@ Research and mentortng core
This core will be supervised by Dr. John Rawls. Dr. Rav..ris' program
provide two basic activities: a summer program for undergraduates from the
KBRIN institutions and faculty research opportunities at The summer
program plans to focus on students entering their sophomore years, The
program will provide an orientation to research, a memored research
experience as well as a rich weekly seminar experience The goai is
engage students in research and to provide skills '~vi!! a1!o'N
students to participate in research at their home institutions or ot~:er
biomedical research programs and lead to a career biomedicaJ research
The facuity program wi!!encourage faculty from KBRJN institutions to
conduct research at UK in collaboration with current UK faculty members.
This research may include research mentoring or it may be primariJy
collaborative, depending upon the nature of the researchers and projects
involved. Dr. Rawls will faciJitate establishing these reiationships and
providing funds to foster them.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/1/03 → 8/5/04 |
- University of Louisville: $705,293.00
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