Kentucky Department of Corrections - Follow up Fesibility Study of Jails Management Strategy

Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal is in response to a request from the KY DOC for a study to investigate various models and strategies for managing Kentucky jails efficiently and in keeping with established and accepted standards for housing adult inmates in correctional facilities. We propose to conduct a study that examines three alternative strategies for improving the efficient operation and management of Kentucky jails. The jails management strategies the proposed study will explore include: (a) KY DOC assumes full responsibility for managing all county jails, facilities, staffing; (b) KY DOC provides additional oversight for county jail management while the county maintains local control over the facility and staffing and (c) KY DOC discontinues the current policy of housing state inmates in county jails and expands minimum security prison facilities so that class C and D felons can be accommodated following conviction and sentencing. The proposed study will investigate system and management changes that will. ~e requir~d,. as ~ell as the costs and benefits associated with each alternative strategy. In addition, we will Identify other states that have implemented alternative jails management strategies and assess their experiences relative to costs, implementation issues, efficiency and other related benefits.
Effective start/end date8/1/066/30/08


  • University of Louisville: $76,986.00


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