Kentucky Geological Survey FY2013 Geologic Data Preservation Project

Grants and Contracts Details


KGS is legislatively mandated to archive and make available oil and gas records for wells permitted through the Kentucky Division of Oil and Gas. Records are transmitted from the Division to the KGS Lexington office where they are scanned and prepared for online access. The KGS western Kentucky office maintains a separate file of historical well records that has been compiled from a variety of sources. This collection is known to contain some original documents not in the main office, as well as working copies that have valuable annotations that have been made over the years. The only access to these unique documents is by visual inspection of the original documents at the western Kentucky office. KGS has lacked resources to make significant progress with the comparison of the two collections to identify unique documents to scan and append to the online repository. There are estimated to be 80,000 document folders that need review, and this is likely to constitute a multi-year effort. We are proposing to employ students both in the western Kentucky and the Lexington office to begin this significant effort. The approach will be to review, scan, and rebuild the online file as a single process so the work will have immediate benefits. This workflow has been tested. The 2012-13 NGGDPP project to catalog limestone sampling sites and associated chemical analyses, led to identification of several storage areas of original sample materials, including rock samples, powdered materials, and thin sections. KGS proposes to inventory these samples, and create metadata for them so that they can be made available through our Well Sample and Core Facility. This work will be done as part of the matching effort.
Effective start/end date9/1/138/31/14


  • US Geological Survey: $28,398.00


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