Kentucky HIV/AIDS Care Coordinator Program - Lexington Region

Grants and Contracts Details


The Bluegrass Care Clinic (BCC) at the University of Kentucky Medical Center (UKMC) seeks to facilitate the provision of quality care and services to people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) by continuing to provide medical case management and care coordination services in the 63 counties identified in this solicitation as the Lexington Region for the Kentucky HIV/AIDS Care Coordinator Program. The Ryan White Part B (RWB) Care Coordinator program at the BCC currently facilitates medical and social care for HIV positive patients in a 63-county service area in central and eastern Kentucky (Figure 1). HIV Care Coordinators (HIV CCs), serve as medical case managers that facilitate patient care by ensuring patients are able to participate in HIV treatment without barriers. The HIV CCs: assist patients in applying for any eligible benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.); administer a patient insurance program that pays insurance premiums for qualifying patients; and are responsible for assisting patients in procuring HIV medications via KADAP and/or Patient Assistance Programs. In addition, HIV CCs serve as gatekeepers for a variety of core medical and support services, such as: emergency medications (medications not found on the KADAP formulary or pending patient assistance program approval); specialty referrals (including mental health counseling and substance abuse services); transportation assistance (gas cards, Wheels/cab vouchers, & bus tokens –provided for medical appointments and in amounts relative to time/distance travelled); nutrition supplements (ie. Ensure, Scandishake); and other medical necessities such as (durable medical equipment, glasses; medical supplies etc.). This application proposes that the BCC continue to provide care coordination services to PLWHA in the 63 county services area identified as the Lexington Region (Appendix A lists all relevant zip codes)
Effective start/end date9/1/126/30/13


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $1,165,933.00


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