Kentucky Imagination Library

  • Hruby, George (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Imagination Library Project (KILP) will operate across the Commonwealth of Kentucky through the Collaborative Center for Literacy Development (CCLD), University of Kentucky. CCLD oversees several statewide professional development initiatives – Reading Recovery, Kentucky Reading Project, Adolescent Literacy Project, and Early Language and Literacy Project, among others. KILP will facilitate the provision of free books to preschool children in qualifying families, typically of lower income. Parents will register for these books through local partners (e.g., library or school systems). CCLD will provide marketing, outreach, and registration assistance for this project, and encourage matching (1:1) funding from local and state sources for the books. KILP will be funded by the Dollywood Foundation of Tennessee (DFT) with monies DFT received from the Kentucky state budget 2021-2022. DELIVERABLES: CCLD will utilize its expertise to lead and implement the Imagination Library of Kentucky statewide initiative. CCLD will provide the following deliverables, including specifics outlined by the Dollywood Foundation Imagination Library: 1. Establish the operations network within CCLD through dedicated position. 2. Create an advisory board to help facilitate the statewide initiative. The constituency will represent a diverse array of personnel, backgrounds, and regions. 3. Establish a statewide launch of the project, including how to support existing affiliates (counties) and assist non-participating areas to initiate service locally. Local community information session will be conducted to promote the Imagination Library in new areas. 4. Develop a fundraising strategy plan to solicit additional funding support from corporate partners, philanthropic entities, private sector, etc. to help sustain the overall initiative. Statewide affiliate branding protocols will be established. 5. Develop and implement an awareness campaign to promote the registration of eligible children. This will include various media marketing endeavors, public service announcements, registration information, Spanish translation services (and other languages as deemed necessary), supplemental resources, and community and family engagement tips. 6. Ensure all required Imagination Library documents are completed, maintained, and updated per Dollywood Foundation mandates as outlined in the Statewide Playbook. 7. Develop a research mechanism to capture data on the initiative to report to KDE, legislators, statewide advisory board, stakeholders, and local affiliates. 8. Report registration information and relevant activities to Dollywood Foundation and others as needed. NOTE FOR CONSIDERATION: Dollywood Foundation will serve as the fiscal agent for Year 1 of the initiative (FY 2021-2022), performing all accounting functions pertaining to books and mailings, as well as gifts and donations. Further direction of the project in future fiscal years will be guided by legislated regulation and future funding.
Effective start/end date11/29/2111/30/22


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