Kentucky Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (KY-MHIDD) Training Initiative

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (KY-MHIDD) Training Initiative will strengthen training infrastructure serving the target population of Kentuckians with co-occurring mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities. Goals include increased understanding of and improved person-centered culturally relevant services and referral systems. Existing supports will be strengthened and integrated, addressing racial, health (including COVID-19 pandemic) and economic inequities in underserved communities. Objectives: Development of an advisory board led by people with lived experience; Landscape analysis identifying existing resources, needs, gaps and priorities; Development of Action Plan for training personnel; Implementation and evaluation of cross training. Outcomes: 1) Increased number of collaborations across multiple systems and increased knowledge among provider agencies to effectively support people with MHIDD, 2) increased number and quality of accessible resources, 3) increased service capacity, 4) improved life outcomes of people with MHIDD, and 5) increased capacity of LEND partners to serve people with disabilities. Approach: Universal design framework for product development and training; trauma informed, person-centered framework for services and referral pathways Products: Comprehensive state landscape analysis/map; multi- format trainings and resources; digital storytelling series. Partners: University of KY Human Development Institute (HDI), KY Division for Behavioral Health, and Division of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, Department of Education, Protection & Advocacy, Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities, Office of Autism, people with lived experience, family members, provider agencies, Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities, Commission on Services and Supports for Individuals with Intellectual or Other Developmental Disabilities. As the lead of the National Training Center for MHIDD, HDI brings national resources and collaborators to help inform state work.
Effective start/end date9/1/218/31/26


  • Administration for Community Living: $113,175.00


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