Kentucky NASA EPSCoR: Hybrid Range-Sensing Camera for High Lateral and Depth Resolution Imaging

Grants and Contracts Details


Techniques of structured-light illumination (SLI) and multi-camera stereo-vision (StY) have played a major role in computer vision applications. Today, a new generation of time-of-flight (TOF) imaging sensors are available that can construct 3-D models of a scene in real-time based upon the round-trip travel time of an infrared light pulse without the hindrance of triangulation that plagues both SLI and StY. But this new generation of sensors is not without its drawbacks being highly susceptible to distortion caused by the presence of extraneous ambient light. As such, this proposal intends to study the performance envelopes of the three range sensing technologies of SLI, StY, and TOF, and based upon those results, create a hybrid camera that fuses the three techniques. This system will be such that it can rely on StY in bright ambient light environments where StY is optimal and TOF and SLI in low-light environments.
Effective start/end date8/1/043/31/06


  • Western Kentucky University: $24,421.00


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